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In the first episode of SEASON 2, Saidah talks to Danielle Desir of The Thought Card about her tips and tricks for traveling the world, and how she got the confidence to explore new places (sometimes by herself).
Resources shared in the episode:
Sygic Travel App (BGNL2 does not endorse or receive affiliate commissions from Tripomatic s.r.o)
Connect with Danielle:
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @thethoughtcard
This Episode's charge:
Plan a trip! Pick a destination, research how much flights/hotels costs, choose your dates, and choose activities to do when you get there. Once you have everything mapped out, post your plans somewhere you can see them everyday, and actively work towards making that trip happen.
This Episode's affirmation:
"I am considerate of other’s feelings and I am actively conscious of the role I play in creating them."
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Black Girls Need Love Too: A Healing Podcast is produced by SM Media Enterprise.